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Over the last few years plagiarism has emerged as one of the most serious threats to the credibility of many academic institutions. Many students, knowing the harsh consequences, involved in plagiarism risking their lives and reputations. Plagiarism is not something very new in the world of academia as it has been practiced even long time before. But with the emergence of electronic gadgets and the internet it has become a more apparent thing since it is easier now to steal someone else’s work or ideas and present them as your own than it was before. This essay provides some facts about why plagiarism should be avoided at all costs. Read below to find more about plagiarism.
Unethical Practice
Characteristically plagiarism is an extremely unethical practice as it can hurt the original owner or author of the material or content stolen. It is never a good feeling when you are robbed of something very dear to you considering the amount of time and hard work you may have put in to achieve it. Even if it is a written content of someone it is not supposed to be treated like that without giving due credit to the original producer.
Risks Involved
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