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This essay discusses some useful ways to deal with social anxiety disorder. Social anxiety disorder also referred to as social phobia is a form of a mental illness where a person feels uncomfortable in social situations. People suffering from this disorder have an extreme element of fear of strangers and other people.
Social anxiety disorder also referred to as social phobia is a form of a mental illness where a person feels uncomfortable in social situations. People suffering from this disorder have an extreme element of fear of strangers and other people. Due to this fear they are reluctant to even leave their homes and in some extreme cases they avoid going to nearby grocery stores. The real causes of social anxiety are still a mystery but negative events occurring in the past related to social circumstances can be an element triggering the symptoms of social anxiety disorder. It may also be linked with genetic causes such as a history of such kind of illnesses running in a family. The symptoms of social anxiety include trembling, palpitation of heart, fear of being humiliated in social settings, fear of being abandoned socially, fear of embarrassment due to unknown causes in social situations and unpredictable anxiety attacks.
Social anxiety disorder is one of the most common mental ailments in the United States and affects millions of people. The disorder can sometimes be extremely disabling as it may disrupt routine activities of daily life and cause a person to withdraw from all the external affairs needing social interaction due to extreme fear of the unknown. With remarkable progress being made in the field of psychiatry the disorder can be controlled through medication and psychological intervention by a professional therapist. One of the most effective and practiced ways of controlling anxiety symptoms is cognitive behavioral therapy also referred to as CBT in shorter form. It is basically concerned with altering negative thought patterns causing anxiety. For instance, a person with social anxiety disorder may have a faulty thought where he/she may believe in a certain social setting that a certain group of people is laughing at him/her while in reality they may be discussing something else. The sufferer will automatically have bad feelings of being made fun of. Cognitive behavioral therapy works in a way where these faulty assumptions are turned into something positive by affirming certain positive statements to make the sufferer feel better about him/herself.
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