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Sample Essay – Racial Profiling

20 works cited

Length: 3237 words

This is an essay on racial profiling. Can racial profiling and its unjustness be stopped? Is it right that policemen stop a driver who is black for committing a traffic offense and question and search him?

Can racial profiling and its unjustness be stopped? Is it right that policemen stop a driver who is black for committing a traffic offense and question and search him? These things are what people need to understand and racism and racial profiling are aspects which people need to understand. There are problems associated with these and solutions need to be found. For a policeman to stop a driver, isn’t he just doing his job? Why should race be brought in the middle? One of the basic principles of American society is that every individual gets treated equally and is provided with similar protection. It is the responsibility of the government to analyze these facts and take the best action necessary to deal with this controversial issue.

It has been since the 1970’s that racial profiling was seen as a method of catching drug traffickers (Data Collection Resource Center). The profiling was a way which allowed police officers to see whether evidence was concealed in any part of the vehicle. The profiling however had a certain age limit and characteristics of the race of possible drivers (Data Collection Resource Center). The controversy is over the fact as to whether there are a number of…

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