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Sample Essay – General Effects of Marijuana Essay

Word length approx: 734

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Marijuana is an illegal which drug which many people, especially teens use throughout the United States. Marijuana was initially found for scientific and health purposes. People who were given marijuana as a form of treatment got addicted to it and started consuming it for purposes other than health. Ever since then, marijuana has been considered an illegal drug which has negative effects on the individual who makes use of it.

The way marijuana affects a person depends on a number of factors. Some of these factors include:

  1. Whether or not the person has had a prior experience with marijuana
  2. How the drug is put into the body and what the user expects to happen
  3. How strong the marijuana is
  4. Whether other drugs or alcohol are consumed along with the consumption of marijuana

These are some of the factors which affect how a person will feel after he/she has consumed a certain amount of the drug. There are people who often do not feel the high which people claim to feel when using drugs. Others might feel it at all times. There are different feelings and emotions connected with the use of various types of drugs and different people feel a mixture of emotions.

Like mentioned above, the effects of marijuana will depend on a variety of factors. There are people who sometimes become so used to the drug that its effects do not bother them or they feel the effects after a very long period of time. Marijuana is a drug which…

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