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Computers in Education – These days it is almost impossible to survive as a student without a computer. This essay highlights some points where computers have become a real necessity for nearly everyone.

Look around you and you will notice the extreme technological buzz all around. With cellular phones, wireless connections to the world of computers where every other day new innovations take place. It may not be wrong to argue that how would anyone live in today’s fast paced environment without a computer. Since computer is not anymore restricted to programming merely as there are so many things that can be done through and with computers especially in the academic world.

Homework and Assignments

From junior levels of education to the senior levels computers are utilized for learning purposes. During college studies computers provide a research platform from where any type of information can be accessed on any given research topic.

Students can utilize computers to write their term papers, essays and research papers in user friendly application programs. They can use Microsoft Word to write any sort of document and make changes according to the required specifications in the writing format.

Social Networking

It is believed that certain social networking websites such the face book, twitter and MySpace could become the future search engines taking over the traditional search engines such as Google or Yahoo. The social networking websites can be used for educational purposes where students can share massive amount of information on any topic.

They can argue on current trends and events in the world of academia and guide one another about the useful resources on the internet. They can keep in touch with their instructors or professors to remain up-to-date about their ongoing classes in a particular subject.

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