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Sample Essay

7 works cited

Length: 1711 words

This essay discusses some issues related to privatization of prisons. The privatization of prisons refers to local, federal and state prisons hiring companies which conduct business in the private sector of economy to run their prisons and to provide any services which the prison may require.

The privatization of prisons refers to local, federal and state prisons hiring companies which conduct business in the private sector of economy to run their prisons and to provide any services which the prison may require. There are certain private companies which are hired to provide prisons which are owned by the state with food, medical care, maintenance and counseling. These days, there are a larger number of private companies who are being hired to design and build prisons as well as to operate them at the federal as well as the state level. Why has this trend toward privatization begun? Some of the reasons for this are due to the sentencing having become even more tough, the war on drugs and many more people making use of these drugs, the increase in the costs as well as maintenance of prisons, the increase in the cost of looking after the prisoners as well as the baby boom (Allen. Latessa, Simonson, Ponder). Due to these reasons, there has been an increase in the demand for prisons to become privatized. Due to the large numbers of prisons becoming privatized, this industry has become one of the fastest growing industries in the United States of America. Despite the increase in growth of the industry and many more states privatizing prisons, there are still…

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