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Sample Essay – Off the Record

Off the record is by Robert Sandal written in 2007

The data he uses is from the sales of recorded music done

The results are by comparing the sales of recorded music and live performance demands. He gets the following results;

  • Bands have resulted to live performances
  • They sell other materials like branded t-shirts other than CDs during their live performances
  • Prices of CDs are falling with falling demand
  • More people are shunning CDs to go for live performances

Recorded music versus live performance

Robert Sandall writes the article off the record about how the sale of music has changed as technology, which was issued on 1 August 2007. The data is collected from the sales of recorded music from around the world as well as the prices of tickets of live performances of different artists from around the world. He compares the sale of recorded music to demand of live performances. It is worthy noting that sales of recorded music has plummeted and thus bands have resulted to doing live performances and sell of their merchandise during these shows.

  • Bands have resulted to live performances
  • They sell other materials like branded t-shirts other than CDs during their live performances
  • Prices of CDs are falling with falling demand
  • More people are shunning CDs to go for live performances

The leading recording houses have resulted to cost cutting

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