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Sample Family Therapy Paper

Words 3,120

This is a research paper on family therapy on substance abuse. Studies examining the effectiveness of family-based programs also focus on the comparison of this model to other modes of treatment.

Studies examining the effectiveness of family-based programs also focus on the comparison of this model to other modes of treatment. Numerous studies have compared family-based models to education models of treatment (Lewis, et al., 1990). Lewis et al. (1990) reported that adolescents in a family-based therapy model showed an important decrease in ratings of seriousness of drugs used from pre- to post treatment, whereas adolescents in a family drug education program did not show comparable decreases. Studies examining the amount of drug use (Liddle et al., 2001) report better reduction in drug use at immediate post treatment using the family-based therapy model. Similar results are reported at 6-month (Liddle et al., 1999) and 12-month (Liddle et al., 2001) follow-up.

Looking at factors related to substance use,  multidimensional family therapy (MDFT) showed better improvement in behavioral ratings of family aptitude and adolescent’s grade point average from pretreatment to 12- month follow-up. Joanning et al. (1992) also reported that at the 6month follow-up, adolescents in all treatment groups seeming that their communication with their parents had enhanced significantly. The adolescents’ parents, however, did not share this awareness.

Behavioral approaches focus on the underlying cognitive procedure, beliefs, and environmental cues linked with the adolescent’s use of drugs and alcohol and teach the adolescent coping skills to help him or her continue drug free. all behavioral method view substance abuse as a learned behavior that is susceptible to alteration through the application of behavior alteration interventions (Miller & Hester, 1989). The goal of behavioral approaches is to teach adolescents to unlearn the use of drugs and to learn alternative, social ways to cope with their lives. Thus, “treatments focus on the factors that impetuous and maintain episodes of substance use” (Kaminer, et al.1998). In particular, cognitive-behavioral techniques try to alter thinking as a way to change behavior. Actions techniques are used in residential and outpatient settings as part of group or individual therapies.

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