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Sample Essay

4 works cited

Length: 1711 words

This essay discusses issues related to internet pornography. The internet is a mode of communication as well as a major source of information on today’s modern age. People interested in gaining knowledge and information makes use of the internet as their medium of learning and hence it has become very popular over recent years.

The internet is a mode of communication as well as a major source of information on today’s modern age. People interested in gaining knowledge and information makes use of the internet as their medium of learning and hence it has become very popular over recent years. There is however concerns which surround the internet or cyberspace, Web or Net as it is known which is that certain kinds of information for example pornography is accessible and available to minors.

Images which are found on the internet; 83.5% of those images are pornographic images. Internet pornography as well as hate literature is very easily available to children who may be curious to learn about it.

One of the characteristics of the internet which was considered to be great was the amount of freedom it contained. It is definitely a rare example of modern, true and a functional form of anarchy. There is censorship, no boss, no stock holder and no board of directors (Sterling). It is a forum where everyone is allowed to say anything they wish and there is nothing to hold them back apart from maybe their conscience.

Many people were bothered with this form of an environment which surrounds the internet. It bothered people to such an extent that the senator of Nebraska, James Exon suggested in 1994 that an adjustment should be made in the Telecommunications Reform Bill in order to regulate the content found on the internet. This proposal…

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