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Sample Kinetic Energy Essay

Words 1,320

This essay discusses the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. Energy can be transformed into another kind of energy. But it cannot be formed moreover it cannot be destroyed. Energy has always been present in one form or another. Potential energy is waiting to be converted into power. Gasoline in a fuel tank, food in your stomach, a compressed spring, and a weight hanging from a tree are all illustration of potential energy.

Discuss a situation in which your body converts potential energy into Kinetic energy.

Energy can be transformed into another kind of energy. But it cannot be formed moreover it cannot be destroyed. Energy has always been present in one form or another. Potential energy is waiting to be converted into power. Gasoline in a fuel tank, food in your stomach, a compressed spring, and a weight hanging from a tree are all illustration of potential energy.

The human body is a type of energy-conversion device. It changes food into power, which can be used to do work. A car engine converts gasoline into power, which can also be used to do work. A pendulum clock is a mechanism that uses the energy stored in hanging weights to do work.

When you lift an object higher, it gains potential energy. The higher you lift it, and the heavier it is, the more energy it gains. By increasing the height of an object, you boost its potential energy.

Here are some changes in energy from one form to another. Food is stored energy. It is stored as a chemical with potential energy. When your body uses that store up energy to do work, it becomes kinetic energy. If you overeat, the energy in food is not “burned” but is stored as potential energy in fat cells.  When we move the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy and the stored fat is used.

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