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Sample Land Run of 1889 Term Paper

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This is a term paper on Land Run of 1889. The Land Run of 1889, although not new event  in the history of the West, began the clearance of the federal public domain in Oklahoma. The opening of the Indian lands in Oklahoma Territory was of vast interest to people all around the United States in the late 1800s.

The Land Run of 1889, although not new event  in the history of the West, began the clearance of the federal public domain in Oklahoma. The opening of the Indian lands in Oklahoma Territory was of vast interest to people all around the United States in the late 1800s. The Indian’s aspiration to keep the Territory for their private use and occupation was stopped by the rapid growth of white population on its northern, eastern, and southern borders; and when the first railroad crossed it (1870-1872), any effort to find a response became fruitless. The reasons for attempting to acquire lands in the American desert were almost as many as the people who made the effort. Ranchers, Railroads and Boomers wanted access to the diverse landscape.

The legal basis for opening the Oklahoma District, now called the Unassigned Lands came in 1889, when, in the U.S. Congress, Illinois Rep. William Springer modified the Indian Appropriations Bill to authorize President Benjamin Harrison to announce the two-million-acre region open for settlement. Under the provisions of the Homestead Act of 1862, a legal settler could maintain 160 acres of public land, and those who lived on and improved the claim for five years could obtain title.

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