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Sample Comparison of Religion Term Paper

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This term paper discusses three sects or cults that have significant differentiating characteristics. Hasidism is a Jewish sect, Jehovah’s Witnesses have their roots in protestant Christianity but as remarkably different from mainstream in their teaching and lifestyle, and Church of Christ, Scientist is another sect of Christianity.


Within different religions there are different sects and cults and although they are a part of some major religion like Judaism or Christianity, however, they have some Unique features that sets them apart from the mainstream schools of thoughts. This paper discusses three sects or cults that have significant differentiating characteristics. Hasidism is a Jewish sect, Jehovah’s Witnesses have their roots in protestant Christianity but as remarkably different from mainstream in their teaching and lifestyle, and Church of Christ, Scientist is another sect of Christianity.


The Hasidim, or “pious ones” in Hebrew, belong to a particular movement within Orthodox Judaism, a movement that, at its height in the first half of the nineteenth century, maintain the allegiance of millions in Eastern and Central Europe conceivably a majority of East European Jews. Like other religious revitalization movements, Hasidism was at once a call to spiritual renewal and a protest against the popular religious establishment and culture.

In these most modern of places, particularly in New York and other American cities, it is now thriving as a developing creative minority that preserves the language Yiddish and many of the religious traditions of pre-Holocaust Eastern European Jewry. The Hasidic ideal is to live a hallowed life, in which even the most ordinary action is consecrated. Hasidim live in tightly knit communities known as “courts” that are spiritually centered on a dynastic leader known as a rebbe, which merge political and religious authority. The many different courts and their rebbes are known by the name of the town where they originated.

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